Sport injury imaging for deep blood flow distribution with laser speckle


  • Fu Huang Jinzhong University image/svg+xml
  • Dezhi Geng Jinzhong University image/svg+xml
  • Sravan Kumar Reddy M. RGM College of Engineering and Technology



When laser speckle program technology is used to measure the blood flow distribution of deep tissues (such as subcutaneous tissue) in sports injuries, the deep blood flow characteristics of sports injuries contain a large amount of turbid tissue fluid. Laser passing through turbid tissue fluid will produce strong interference static speckle, masking the dynamic speckle of blood flow distribution, resulting in poor imaging effect of blood flow characteristics. Propose laser speckle imaging optimization technology and apply it to the measurement of deep tissue blood flow distribution in sports injuries. Based on the principle of laser speckle imaging technology, the problems in laser speckle imaging of deep blood flow distribution characteristics in sports injuries are analyzed. An exponential Laplace loss function is introduced to reduce the amplitude of changes in blood flow characteristics in intra class sports injuries and collect deep blood flow distribution characteristics in sports injuries; On the basis of calculating the laser speckle contrast ratio, the blood volume flow rate is determined, and the blood volume flow rate data is combined with the laser speckle contrast ratio to achieve imaging of deep blood flow distribution in sports injuries. The experimental results show that the improved laser speckle imaging technology has better imaging effects in imaging the deep blood flow distribution of sports injuries; Compared with the comparison method, the DICE coefficient, average accuracy MPA, and global imaging index have all improved, indicating that this method can effectively improve the imaging effect and is feasible.


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How to Cite

Huang F, Geng D, Reddy M. SK. Sport injury imaging for deep blood flow distribution with laser speckle. EAI Endorsed Trans Perv Health Tech [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];11. Available from: