Word Embedding and String-Matching Techniques for Automobile Entity Name Identification from Web Reviews


  • Satanu Maity Bengal School of Technology and Management
  • Nilanjana Das WBSEDCL
  • Mukta Majumder North Bengal University image/svg+xml
  • Dibya Ranjan Dasadhikary Siksha O Anusandhan University image/svg+xml




Noisy Name Identification, Automobile Discussion Forum, Machine Learning, Support Vector Machine, Conditional Random Field, Word Embedding, String Matching


With the huge popularity of Internet, various types of information on a wide range of domains are floating over different social media platforms. To extract this information for using in diverse natural language processing applications, identifying the names is prerequisite. A study is presented here, to identify automobile names from noisy web reviews by exploring two widely used machine learning algorithms, Conditional Random Field and Support Vector Machine. The accuracy of machine learning classifiers radically rely on size and quality of training data which has been prepared manually by extracting discussion forum corpus; the task is time consuming and laborious; hence to leverage this word embedding is adopted. Though it enhances the system’s performance but is unable to spot noisy names which occur in web reviews. Next, a gazetteer based string matching technique is proposed, it recognizes a new set of noisy automobile entities, resulting considerable improvement in accuracy.




How to Cite

Maity S, Das N, Majumder M, Dasadhikary DR. Word Embedding and String-Matching Techniques for Automobile Entity Name Identification from Web Reviews. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2021 May 14 [cited 2025 Jan. 22];8(33):e1. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/1924