An Improvised Feature-Based Method for Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews


  • A. K. Yadav CSE, National Institute of Technology
  • D. Yadav CSE, National Institute of Technology
  • A. Jain Jaypee Institute of Information Technology image/svg+xml



feature-based, sentiment analysis, positive sentiment, negative sentiment, polarity, product reviews


In today’s society, sentiment analysis has gained due importance as it provides useful information about products that are used by variety of users. It gives a sneak peek of users’ reactions towards the products that are available in the market at an early stage. It thus intimates users’ perception and charts out a path that is beneficial for the market to grow as a whole. Although a lot of research is done to exploit the product based sentiment analysis but due to increase demand of the detailed components based products and their associated features, a novel method is desired to meet these criteria. So far, no such method is explored that analyses the product’s components and their features simultaneously, on the basis of sentiments of the users. This paper proposes an improvised Feature Based Algorithm (FBA) for the sentiment analysis of product reviews while formulating a tree structure of product, components, and associated features. In addition, evaluation of double negative sentences, detecting questions and emotions from the review sentences are measured which increases efficiency of the FBA method. The comparison of product’s components reviews is done with other existing algorithmsTF, TF-IDF and Naïve Bayes to demonstrate that the proposed FBA is coherent and auspicious.




How to Cite

Yadav AK, Yadav D, Jain A. An Improvised Feature-Based Method for Sentiment Analysis of Product Reviews. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2020 Jul. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];8(29):e5. Available from: