Diagnosis of Arthritis Using Adaptive Hierarchical Mamdani Fuzzy Type-1 Expert System





Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, DA, MFES, DA-AH


The adroit system is frequently used in artificial intelligence in medicine (AIM). They comprise medical information about a dedicated task and prone to purpose with data from case studies to produce lucid results. Though there are many irregularities, the information with an adroit network is derived with a set of expert rules to produce accurate results. Arthritis is the stiffness of one or more joints and about three fourth of the victims are suffering from it. Late detection of that chronic disease may cause the severity of the sickness at greater risk. So the idea is to contemplate a mechanism for the detection of arthritis using an adaptive hierarchical Mamdani fuzzy expert system (DA-AH-MFES). It is a befitting source to process ambiguity and inaccuracy. Physical and some medical parameters with the expertise of doctors can be mapped using MFES. The ability of MFES completely depends on the rules which are finalized by a discussion with an expert. The expert system has eight input variables at layer-I and four input variables at layer-II. At layer-I input variables are rest pain, morning stiffness, body pain, joint infection, swelling, redness, past injury and age that detects output condition of arthritis to be normal, infection and/or other problem. The further input variables of layer-II are RF, ANA, HLA-B27, ANTI-CCP that determine the output condition of arthritis. The performance of proposed Diagnose arthritis disease using an adaptive hierarchical mamdani fuzzy expert system is evaluated with expert observations of Cavan General Hospital Lisdaran, Cavan, Ireland and Jinnah Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. The accuracy of the expert system (DAAH-MFES) is 95.6%.




How to Cite

Siddiqui SY, Hussnain SA, Hannan Siddiqui A, Ghufran R, Saleem Khan M, Sohail Irshad M, Hannan Khan A. Diagnosis of Arthritis Using Adaptive Hierarchical Mamdani Fuzzy Type-1 Expert System. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2019 Nov. 18 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];7(26):e2. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/2117