QoS-Based Architecture for Discovery and Selection of suitable Web Services Using Non-functional properties


  • Sarathkumar Rangarajan Victoria University image/svg+xml
  • Ravindra Krishna Chandar Paavai Engineering College




Web service, SOA, Discovery & selection, UDDI, QoS


Web Services are the most emerging distributed applications published in the public registries. Web service are can be discovered by both functional properties and non functional properties. Due to the rapid Web development, there are number of functionally similar Web Services published by different vendors. The functional property based web service discovery is cannot be done with accuracy. So client can find the best Web Services by taking the non-functional criteria such as Quality of Service (QoS). However, most of clients are not experienced enough to acquire the best selection of Web Service based on its described QoS properties. In this paper we are proposing a client request message structure and broker architecture to find the best Web Service. First the broker will get Web Service client's requirement message along with QoS criteria, and then it will retrieve the functionally similar web service. The broker will use an efficient mechanism to rank the Web Services based on the client’s message as well as the QoS properties which being confirmed by the broker architecture, If any tie situation happens in the ranking of the web service we will use the previous usage history of the web service to select the best web service which is matching with the client’s request message.




How to Cite

Rangarajan S, Krishna Chandar R. QoS-Based Architecture for Discovery and Selection of suitable Web Services Using Non-functional properties. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2017 Jan. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];4(12):e3. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/2246