Residual network based on convolution attention model and feature fusion for dance motion recognition




dance motion recognition, residual network, convolution attention model, future fusion


Traditional posture recognition methods have the problems of low accuracy. Therefore, we propose a residual network based on convolution attention model and future fusion for dance motion recognition. Firstly, the fusion features of the relative position, angle and limb length ratio of human body are selected by combining the information of bone key points. The shallow features of the original dance image are extracted and compressed by convolution layer and pooling layer. Then it uses the stacked residual to learn deep features, the gradient dispersion and network degradation can be alleviated. The convolutional attention module is used to assign weighted values to the deep degradation features of the dance. Finally, dance motion detection in complex dance scenes can be realized. The dance movement recognition method proposed in this paper can accurately identify dance motion. Compared with other recognition algorithms, this new algorithm has the best recognition accuracy and faster recognition efficiency.




How to Cite

Shen D, Jiang X, Teng L. Residual network based on convolution attention model and feature fusion for dance motion recognition. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(4):e3. Available from: