New Approaches for Automatic Face Recognition Based on Deep Learning Models and Local Handcrafted ALTP




Face recognition, Adaptive Local Ternary Pattern (ALTP), Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT), Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, LinearSVC


Face recognition is one of the most important topics in biometrics, where it achieved great success under controlled scenarios. Still, its accuracy degraded significantly in unconstrained conditions. To meet this challenge, we proposed a handcraft method based on extracting important regions from the face image. We have been using Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) besides the Adaptive Local Ternary Patterns (ALTP). We have achieved an accuracy of 99.75% on the ORL database and 94.70% on the FERET database. Then, we proposed a second method based on deep learning to achieve more accurate face recognition. The deep learning models failed to achieve a high accuracy rate because they require a large amount of training data. We used firstly Data Augmentation to solve this failure. However, this solution does not show high performance. Secondly, our proposed ImageNet pre-trained AlexNet-v2 and VGG16 models with LinearSVC increased the accuracy rate to 100% for the both databases.




How to Cite

Hattab A, Behloul A. New Approaches for Automatic Face Recognition Based on Deep Learning Models and Local Handcrafted ALTP. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2021 Oct. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];9(34):e11. Available from: