Comments Analysis on Social Media: A Review
Online Comment, Social Media Communication, Social Media, Systematic Literature ReviewAbstract
As the number of people using and participating in social media grows, academics become interest in studying this new media, specifically comment analysis, in order to comprehend public opinion and user behavior. However, there are no studies that map the development of comment analysis domain, which would be valuable for future research. To address the issue, we examine prior publications using PRISMA approach, and offer suggestions for further research. An investigation was conducted to locate pertinent publications published in databases between 2010 and 2022. On the basis of our examination of 115 relevant articles, we found that, within the scope of methodology, prior researches employ two methods (sentiment and content analysis) and three tools (human, software, and mixed coders), and the majority of them concentrate on gathering data from western countries, covering numerous platforms and topics. Based on these findings, we recommend that future research in comment analysis should synthesize methods and instruments. In addition, examine areas that have not been fully explore in terms of platforms (e.g., Instagram and Tiktok), topic (e.g., local government), and regions (e.g., eastern countries) that would be valuable in order to enhance the body of knowledge in this domain.
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