Deep spectral network for time series clustering




Deep clustering, neural network, time series, spectral clustering, mutual information, multi label classification


Deep clustering is an approach that uses deep learning to cluster data, since it involves training a neural network model to become familiar with a data representation that is suitable for clustering. Deep clustering has been applied to a wide range of data types, including images, texts, time series and has the advantage of being able to automatically learn features from the data, which can be more effective than using hand-crafted features. It is also able to handle high-dimensional data, such as time series with many variables, which can be challenging for traditional clustering techniques. In this paper, we introduce a novel deep neural network type to improve the performance of the auto-encoder part by ignoring the unnecessary extra-noises and labelling the input data. Our approach is helpful when just a limited amount of labelled data is available, but labelling a big amount of data would be costly or time-consuming. It also applies for the data in high-dimensional and difficult to define a good set of features for clustering.


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How to Cite

Hoang D-T, Achache M, Jain VK. Deep spectral network for time series clustering. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2023 Sep. 25 [cited 2025 Jan. 9];11(3). Available from: