Essential Integration of eHRM 4.0 Approach, IT Infrastructure and CEO Support to Support Supply Chain Performance in Small-Scale Logistics Companies




eHRM, IT Infrastructure, CEO Support, Company Performance, Logistics Company


INTRODUCTION: IT infrastructure resources in large-sized companies have evolved into large-scale intelligent enterprise systems due to the emergence of Big Data, Internet of Things, and artificial intelligence technologies.
OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of eHRM implementation and the availability of IT infrastructure on top management/CEO support and the performance of logistics companies in Semarang city.
METHODS: This study uses a quantitative method with an analytical tool using SEM-PLS. The sampling method for this study used a purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 120 samples.
RESULTS: IT infrastructure has a significant effect on top management support in logistics companies, the role of eHRM has a significant effect on top management support, the role of eHRM has a significant effect on CEO support, eHRM has a significant effect on company performance, IT infrastructure has a significant effect on company performance, support CEO has a significant effect on company performance, IT infrastructure has a significant effect on company performance, and the role of eHRM has no significant effect on company performance.
CONCLUSION: IT Infrastructure and CEO Support influence Supply Chain Performance in Small-Scale Logistics Companies.


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How to Cite

Mashudi, Fauziah L, Kurniawati NI. Essential Integration of eHRM 4.0 Approach, IT Infrastructure and CEO Support to Support Supply Chain Performance in Small-Scale Logistics Companies. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2023 Oct. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];10(6). Available from: