A Novel Ensemble Model for Complex Entities Identification in Low Resource Language


  • Preeti Vats Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women image/svg+xml
  • Nonita Sharma Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women image/svg+xml
  • Deepak Kumar Sharma Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women image/svg+xml




NLP, Ensemble learning, Decision Tree, Hindi Text Identification


The fundamental method for pre-processing speech or text data that enables computers to comprehend human language is known as natural language processing. Numerous models have been developed to date to pre-process data in the English language; however, the Hindi language does not support these models. India's national tongue is Hindi. In order to help the locals, the authors of this study used supervised learning methods like Linear Regression, SVM, and Naive Bayes algorithm to investigate a dataset of complicated terms in the Hindi language. Additionally, a sophisticated Hindi word classification model is suggested employing several methods based on the forecasts as well as collective learning strategies like Random Forest, Adaboost, and Decision Tree. Depending on how well the user's language is understood, the suggested model will assist in simplifying Hindi text. Authors attempt to classify the uncharted dataset using deep learning algorithms like Bi-LSTM and GRU approaches in further processing.


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How to Cite

Vats P, Sharma N, Kumar Sharma D. A Novel Ensemble Model for Complex Entities Identification in Low Resource Language. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2023 Nov. 21 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(4). Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/4434