Brand Presence on Internet media: Quantitative and Qualitative Study on Brand Attitude and Brand Attachment


  • Priti Rai G. L. Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
  • Deepa Gupta G. L. Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
  • Mukul Gupta G. L. Bajaj Institute of Management and Research
  • Divya Sahu Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology
  • Mahima Dogra Noida Institute of Engineering and Technology



Internet Media, Customer, Brand Presence, Brand attitude, Brand Attachment


More and more companies are using social media in their marketing. They're spending a lot of money to make sales and connect with customers quickly, which helps their brands do better and gets more people visiting their websites.

This paper wants to look at how people's feelings and thoughts about a brand affect how they act on social media. Knowing how different people think is really important for managers who spend money on marketing. This study looks at how what people think about a brand relates to what they say about it on social media and if they support the brand there too.

The research uses special ways to study how brands behave on social media. It focuses on how people feel about brands and how this affects what they do online. This study found that how people feel about a brand is connected to what they do to support it online. It also showed that different kinds of people act differently on social media, which is helpful for companies to know. Understanding how people feel about brands and act on social media is super important for companies. The study's results give useful ideas to make social media strategies better and to get more people involved with brands online.


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How to Cite

Rai P, Gupta D, Gupta M, Sahu D, Dogra M. Brand Presence on Internet media: Quantitative and Qualitative Study on Brand Attitude and Brand Attachment. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2023 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(4). Available from: