Role of Artificial Intelligence in case of Micro Enterprises and Tribal Entrepreneurships for Sustainable Economic Development




Tribal entrepreneurship, Microenterprises, Economic empowerment, Entrepreneurs, AI


INTRODUCTION: Tribal entrepreneurship can be understood as infusing the knowledge of commerce and trade into the tribal groups and thereby exploring their products and known for their economic betterment and social advancement. An accumulating body of research has demonstrated that artificial intelligence (AI) is an indistinguishable feature of the fourth industrial revolution. This study integrates the literature on AI and new technologies to examine the constraining and facilitating forces for developing and scaling-up AI-enabling technologies in Africa. This article proposes an integrated conceptual model to elucidate the range of external drivers encompassing global competitive drivers, and market and industry drivers. The internal drivers include the potential to enhance product development speed, improve quality, drive production cost down, and minimise errors and manual processes in organisations. 

OBJECTIVES: In this study, socio-economic status of tribal population has been taken as a reference in order to see whether there is any impact of economic wellbeing on their livelihood [1]. The study is an endeavour to examine the role of micro enterprises for social and economic empowerment of tribal community in Odisha and Andhra Pradesh and role of AI.

RESULTS: The main results obtained in this paper are the following SEM identified that there is a lower degree of positive impact of “Tribal entrepreneurship” on “Economic Empowerment” and “women Empowerment” and lower degree of negative impact on “Social Empowerment”. It is also concluded that Economic Empowerment of tribal entrepreneurs through micro-enterprises has reduced the dependency on private money lenders the most. Women Empowerment of tribal entrepreneurs has helped the women to achieve gender equality and the social Empowerment aids in the development of competency and technical skills through micro-enterprises.

CONCLUSION: The tribal communities in Odisha are regarded as the most disadvantageous group of people in terms of their socio-economic status. The present research makes some pivotal contributions to the current AI literature. First, in spite of the growing recognition that development of new industries and new-business development is increasingly predicated on the adoption of new technologies (Krasniqi and Hajrizi Citation2016), there is a paucity of studies examining contemporary challenges faced by developing nations and their inability to capitalise on such ample and obvious opportunities. 


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How to Cite

Sahoo DR, Teena. Role of Artificial Intelligence in case of Micro Enterprises and Tribal Entrepreneurships for Sustainable Economic Development . EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 12 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(4). Available from: