Integrating Metaheuristics and Two-Tiered Classification for Enhanced Fake News Detection with Feature Optimization




Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN), Red deer optimization, African vulture Optimization, RBM, Fake News, Bi-LSTM


INTRODUCTION: The challenge of distributing false information continues despite the significant impact of social media on opinions. The suggested framework, which is a metaheuristic method, is presented in this research to detect bogus news. Employing a hybrid metaheuristic RDAVA methodology coupled with Bi-LSTM, the method leverages African Vulture Optimizer and Red Deer Optimizer.

OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness of the suggested model in identifying false material on social media by employing social network analysis tools to combat disinformation.

METHODS: Employing the data sets from BuzzFeed, FakeNewsNet, and ISOT, the suggested model is implemented on the MATLAB Platform and acquires high accuracy rates of 97% on FakeNewsNet and 98% on BuzzFeed and ISOT. A comparative study with current models demonstrates its superiority.

RESULTS: Outperforming previous models with 98% and 97% accuracy on BuzzFeed/ISOT and FakeNewsNet, respectively, the suggested model shows remarkable performance.

CONCLUSION: The proposed strategy shows promise in addressing the problem of false information on social media in the modern day by effectively countering fake news. Its incorporation of social network analysis methods and metaheuristic methodologies makes it a powerful instrument for identifying false news.


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How to Cite

Narang P, Singh AV, Monga H. Integrating Metaheuristics and Two-Tiered Classification for Enhanced Fake News Detection with Feature Optimization . EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 3 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];11(6). Available from: