Smart Attendance System using Face Recognition




Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Face Recognition, Open CV, Facial feature extraction



Face recognition offers a wide range of valuable applications in social media, security, and surveillance contexts. The software used for building facial recognition algorithms is Python and OpenCV. "Attendance using Face Recognition" is a method for tracking and managing attendance that makes use of facial recognition technology. By seamlessly integrating the 'Face Recognition' module, a native Python feature, and the OpenCV library, our system excels in accuracy and dependability. The system then stores attendance records in a database and provides real-time reports. In this article, we demonstrate how to create a face recognition system in Python utilizing the built-in "Face Recognition" module and the OpenCV library. Our results show that our system achieves high accuracy and robustness while being efficient and scalable, catering to a wide spectrum of educational institutions, organizations, and enterprises.


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How to Cite

Viswanathan J, E K, S N, S V. Smart Attendance System using Face Recognition. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 26 [cited 2025 Jan. 8];11(5). Available from: