A Realizable Data Encryption Strategy


  • Pranjali CMR Institute of Technology
  • Srividya Ramisetty CMR Institute of Technology
  • Vani B Telagade CMR Institute of Technology
  • S Disha Adiga CMR Institute of Technology




Cryptography, DNA, RDES, Encryption, Decryption


As technology continues to advance, data has become an increasingly important element in the sphere of Information Technology. However, enormous data generated by devices presents a major challenge in handling it in real time. Data encryption is a crucial component in ensuring data security and privacy during its transmission in network. Unfortunately, many applications disregard data encryption in order to achieve higher performance. The work proposes a solution to this problem by introducing a data encryption process that is, the Realizable Data Encryption Strategy (RDES) and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) computing, a revolutionary cryptographic method that improves information security by preventing authorized access to sensitive data, being used. Information security is improved by DNA symmetric cryptography being suggested. The outcomes show that plain-text encryption is a very secure procedure. The RDES approach is designed to improve privacy protection within the constraints of real-time processing. By implementing the RDES approach, data privacy and security can be significantly enhanced without compromising performance.


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How to Cite

Pranjali, Ramisetty S, Telagade VB, Adiga SD. A Realizable Data Encryption Strategy. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(5). Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/5230