Smart Contracts for Ensuring Data Integrity in Cloud Storage with Blockchain




Cloud Storage, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Data Privacy Enhancement, Decentralization, Data Access Control, Secure Data Storage


INTRODUCTION: Data integrity protection has become a significant priority for both consumers and organizations as cloud storage alternatives have multiplied since they provide scalable solutions for individuals and organizations alike. Traditional cloud storage systems need to find new ways to increase security because they are prone to data modification and unauthorized access thus causing data breaches.

OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study is to review usage of smart contracts and blockchain technology to ensure data integrity in cloud storage.

METHODS: . Case studies, performance evaluations, and a thorough literature review are all used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested system.

RESULTS: This research has unveiled a revolutionary approach that capitalizes on the fusion of smart contracts and cloud storage, fortified by blockchain technology.

CONCLUSION: This theoretical analysis demonstrate that smart contracts offer a dependable and scalable mechanism for maintaining data integrity in cloud storage, opening up a promising area for further research and practical application.


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How to Cite

Bhurani K, Dogra A, Agarwal P, Shrivastava P, Singh TP, Bhandwal M. Smart Contracts for Ensuring Data Integrity in Cloud Storage with Blockchain. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];11(6). Available from: