Truculent Post Analysis for Hindi Text


  • Mitali Agarwal University of Petroleum and Energy Studies image/svg+xml
  • Poorvi Sahu University of Petroleum and Energy Studies image/svg+xml
  • Nisha Singh University of Petroleum and Energy Studies image/svg+xml
  • Jasleen University of Petroleum and Energy Studies image/svg+xml
  • Puneet Sinha Bajaj Finserv
  • Rahul Kumar Singh University of Petroleum and Energy Studies image/svg+xml



Truculent Post, Hindi language, Sentiment Analysis, BERT, LSTM, NLP


INTRODUCTION: With the rise of social media platforms, the prevalence of truculent posts has become a major concern. These posts, which exhibit anger, aggression, or rudeness, not only foster a hostile environment but also have the potential to stir up harm and violence.

OBJECTIVES: It is essential to create efficient algorithms for detecting virulent posts so that they can recognise and delete such content from social media sites automatically. In order to improve accuracy and efficiency, this study evaluates the state-of-the-art in truculent post detection techniques and suggests a unique method that combines deep learning and natural language processing. The major goal of the proposed methodology is to successfully regulate hostile social media posts by keeping an eye on them.

METHODS: In order to effectively identify the class labels and create a deep-learning method, we concentrated on comprehending the negation words, sarcasm, and irony using the LSTM model. We used multilingual BERT to produce precise word embedding and deliver semantic data. The phrases were also thoroughly tokenized, taking into consideration the Hindi language, thanks to the assistance of the Indic NLP library.

RESULTS:  The F1 scores for the various classes are given in the "Proposed approach” as follows: 84.22 for non-hostile, 49.26 for hostile, 68.69 for hatred, 49.81 for fake, and 39.92 for offensive

CONCLUSION: We focused on understanding the negation words, sarcasm and irony using the LSTM model, to classify the class labels accurately and build a deep-learning strategy.


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How to Cite

Agarwal M, Sahu P, Singh N, Jasleen, Sinha P, Singh RK. Truculent Post Analysis for Hindi Text. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Apr. 4 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];11(6). Available from: