Development of Standards for Metadata Documentation in Citizen Science Projects
Citizen science, Metadata, Standards, Interoperability, Data reuse, CollaborationAbstract
Introduction: Citizen science has generated large volumes of data contributed by citizens in the last decade. However, the lack of standardization in metadata threatens the interoperability and reuse of information.
Objective: The objective was to develop a proposal for standards to document metadata in citizen science projects in order to improve interoperability and data reuse.
Methods: A literature review was conducted that characterized the challenges in metadata documentation. Likewise, it analyzed previous experiences with standards such as Darwin Core and Dublin Core.
Results: The review showed a high heterogeneity in the documentation, making interoperability difficult. The analyzes showed that standards facilitate the flow of information when they cover basic needs.
Conclusions: It was concluded that standardizing metadata is essential to harness the potential of citizen science. The initial proposal, consisting of flexible norms focused on critical aspects, sought to establish bases for a collaborative debate considering the changing needs of this community.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Lizet Doriela Mantari Mincami, Hilario Romero Giron, Edith Mariela Quispe Sanabria, Luis Alberto Poma Lago, Jose Francisco Via y Rada Vittes, Jessenia Vasquez Artica, Linda Flor Villa Ricapa

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