Research and Design of Encryption Standards Based on IoT Network Layer Information Security of Data


  • Jia Wang Neijiang Vocational & Technical College



Internet of things, transport layer, information security, data enhancement security


INTRODUCTION: With the rapid development of the economy, more and more devices and sensors are connected to the Internet, and a large amount of data is transmitted in the network. However, this large-scale data transmission involves the problem of information security, especially in the transport layer. Therefore, there is an urgent need to study and design an information security data enhancement security strategy for the transport layer of ubiquitous networks (i.e., IoT). OBJECTIVES: This thesis aims to research and create a data enhancement security strategy for the transport layer of the Ubiquitous Web to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted in the Ubiquitous Web. Specific objectives include evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of current ubiquitous network transport layer lifting security techniques, proposing a new lifting security strategy applicable to the transport layer of ubiquitous networks, and verifying the feasibility and security of the proposed standard.

METHODS: First, a detailed study and evaluation of the current Ubiquitous Network Transport Layer Elevated Security Techniques is conducted, including analyzing and comparing the existing elevated security algorithms and protocols. Then, based on the obtained research results, a new lifting security strategy applicable to the transport layer of ubiquitous networks is proposed. The design process takes into account the characteristics and requirements of ubiquitous networks, such as resource constraints, dynamics of network topology, and cooperative communication of multiple devices. Subsequently, the feasibility and security of the proposed standard are verified through simulations and experiments. In the experiments, real ubiquitous network devices and network environments are used to evaluate the performance and attack resistance of the enhanced security algorithms.

RESULTS: Through the research and analysis of ubiquitous network transport layer lifting security techniques, some limitations of the existing lifting security algorithms are identified, such as high resource consumption, insufficient security, and limited ability to adapt to the characteristics of ubiquitous networks. Therefore, this thesis proposes a new lifting security strategy applicable to the transport layer of ubiquitous networks. The experimental results show that the standard can guarantee data confidentiality and integrity while possessing high efficiency and attack resistance. In addition, the proposed standard meets the needs of resource-constrained devices in ubiquitous networks and can operate properly under multiple network topologies and cooperative device communications.

CONCLUSION: This thesis proposes a new elevated security strategy applicable to ubiquitous networks through the study and design of transport layer elevated security techniques for ubiquitous networks. This standard can effectively protect the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted in ubiquitous networks with high efficiency and attack resistance. The proposed standard is expected to provide a feasible solution for the information security of ubiquitous networks and a more reliable guarantee for developing and applying ubiquitous networks. Future work can further improve and optimize this enhanced security strategy and validate and apply it in a wider range of ubiquitous network environments.



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How to Cite

Wang J. Research and Design of Encryption Standards Based on IoT Network Layer Information Security of Data. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 May 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11(5). Available from: