Fusing Attention and Convolution: A Hybrid Model for Brain Stroke Prediction
AdaGrad, Brain Stroke detection, CNN, Machine Learning, TransformerAbstract
INTRODUCTION: A stroke, a sudden interruption of blood flow to the brain, is a leading cause of disability and death. Early diagnosis is paramount for minimizing brain damage and maximizing treatment effectiveness.
OBJECTIVES: Traditional diagnostic methods can be time-consuming and have limited Accuracy.
METHODS: This study investigates the efficacy of various machine-learning models for stroke prediction. Specifically, it compares established models like K-Nearest Neighbor, Artificial Neural Network, Long Short Term Memory (LSTM), and stacked LSTM with a newly proposed Transformer Convolutional Neural Network (TCNN) architecture, which fuses Transformer and Convolutional neural network (CNN) models.
RESULTS: The TCNN demonstrates significant promise, achieving a superior accuracy of 98% when optimized with the AMSGrad optimizer.
CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the TCNN architecture has the potential to revolutionize stroke prediction accuracy compared to existing methods, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes.
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