Digital Innovation in Admission Processes based on an Architectural Model of Information Security using Blockchain Technology




Innovation, BLOCKCHAIN, admission processes, digital information, security



The digital transformation in higher education, particularly in admission processes, has raised concerns about data integrity and security. In Peru, public universities face challenges in ensuring transparency and protecting sensitive information during admissions. This research proposes an innovative solution using BLOCKCHAIN technology to enhance data security and integrity.


The study aims to develop a digital innovation proposal based on an architectural model of information security, specifically to (1) ensure data integrity and confidentiality, (2) propose a secure online admission process, and (3) analyze current admission processes (AS-IS) while designing an improved model (TO-BE) with BLOCKCHAIN technology.


This study follows a quantitative approach, aiming to implement digital innovation through an architectural information security model to ensure data integrity in admission processes. To achieve this, BLOCKCHAIN technology is applied, known for its ability to securely record transactions and enhance data transparency and security. A proposed eight-phase process was then developed, focusing on an architectural model for secure information handling, incorporating BLOCKCHAIN for data transparency.


The proposed model significantly improves data integrity and security, ensuring transparency and reducing fraud risks. The TO-BE process addresses vulnerabilities in the current system, offering a more efficient framework for managing sensitive data throughout the admission phases.


Public universities in Peru must adopt BLOCKCHAIN technology to safeguard data integrity in admissions. The proposed model offers a robust solution for secure and reliable online processes, with potential for a transformative impact.


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How to Cite

Quiroz-Valenzuela R, Gutierrez-Baracco O, Colina-Ysea F, Arana-Alencastre J. Digital Innovation in Admission Processes based on an Architectural Model of Information Security using Blockchain Technology. EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2025 Feb. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 4];12(2). Available from: