The Role of Machine Learning in Smart Education: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Use Cases



Analysis, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Education, Review


Education is a powerful domain of any country where the changes happened in this domain will reflect all other domains as well. The technical advancement should start with education domain or else there is no strength to that particular advancement. After COVID-19 cause severe upheaval to almost all the industries. In education, the adaptation were significantly impact the development of smart education. Even the developing countries were in the position to adapt the technological advancement through this pandemic. Machine learning plays pivotal role in the technological improvement. The intrusion of smart education fosters an abundance of electronic data and solutions. Machine learning techniques are used to implement models to analyse these larger datasets. In recent years, there have been plenty of studies which address the changes in education and model solutions using various machine learning techniques, such as Supervised, Unsupervised, Semi-supervised, Deep learning and Reinforcement learning techniques. This paper provides an overview, challenges and future directions of research on machine learning techniques applied in education with different levels.


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How to Cite

P. Premananthan and M. Fahim, “The Role of Machine Learning in Smart Education: Taxonomy, Challenges, and Use Cases”, EAI Endorsed Tour Tech Intel, vol. 1, no. 1, Sep. 2024.