The Role of Biometric in Banking: A Review
Fingerprint Sensor, Microcontroller, Identification Methods, HardwareAbstract
Biometrics plays a pivotal role in enhancing security, ensuring accurate identification, and offering convenient solutions across diverse industries. Its uniqueness, reliability, and potential for future advancements establish it as a crucial and valuable field in today's digital landscape. Fingerprint authentication in ATMs presents primary advantages such as heightened security through distinctive identification and user convenience by eliminating the reliance on PINs or passwords. This research paper focuses on conducting a comprehensive review and comparative analysis of various approaches for fingerprint identification, aiming to contribute to the understanding of effective and efficient methods in the context of ATM authentication.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Mehdi Marani, Morteza Soltani, Mina Bahadori, Masoumeh Soleimani, Atajahangir Moshayedi

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