A Comprehensive Review of Electromyography in Rehabilitation: Detecting Interrupted Wrist and Hand Movements with a Robotic Arm Approach
Electromyography (EMG), Neuromuscular disorders, Rehabilitation therapy , Artificial intelligence (AI) , Wearable technology , Robotic systemsAbstract
Electromyography (EMG) is a diagnostic technique that measures the electrical activity generated by skeletal muscles. Utilizing electrodes placed either on the skin (surface EMG) or inserted directly into the muscle(intramuscular EMG), it detects electrical signals produced during muscle contractions. EMG is widely employed in clinical and research settings to assess muscle function, diagnose neuromuscular disorders,and guide rehabilitation therapy. Over the years, EMG has evolved from a basic measurement tool into an essential technology within clinical and research environments, propelled by advances in recording techniques and digital innovations. The integration of wearable technology and artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly expanded its applications, particularly in rehabilitation and sports science. By capturing muscle electrical activity through surface or intramuscular electrodes, EMG benefits from enhanced signal processing that improves accuracy and data analysis. Despite challenges such as signal interference and the complexities of movement patterns—especially in wrist and hand rehabilitation—EMG combined with robotic systems offers real-time feedback for precise and personalized therapy. However, obstacles like cost, complexity, and variability among patients still remain. Future advancements aim to make EMG more accessible and to integrate AI for tailored rehabilitation strategies, alongside improvements in sensors and wireless communication to enhance reliability and performance. This review explores various facets of EMG,from its fundamental principles to its application in detecting disrupted wrist and hand movements through robotic approaches. It provides a comprehensive analysis of EMG’s historical and technological evolution, recent innovations like AI and wearable devices, and its extensive applications in rehabilitation and sports science. Detailed case studies illustrate its effectiveness in areas such as stroke recovery and spinal cord injury rehabilitation. Additionally, the review addresses challenges like technical limitations and patient variability while emphasizing the integration of EMG with robotic systems for personalized therapy. It also discusses the significance of real-time feedback, future enhancements in AI and sensor technology, and the pressing need for more affordable, user-friendly solutions to improve therapeutic outcomes.
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