Water contamination due to oil spill in Ancon
Water Pollution, Marine Ecosystem, Environment, Economic ImpactAbstract
The general objective of the research in charge was to analyze the actual state of the area after the water pollution caused by the oil spill in Ancon 2022; in the same way, it showed a quantitative approach of non-experimental design of descriptive transversal type, the scope of the research was descriptive; Similarly, it reached a sample of 50 people affected, a survey was used as a technique and the questionnaire as an instrument, validated under criteria which was based on 20 questions for the variable of water pollution through the Likert scale, for this, a previous sample of 20 people was used for the reliability of Cronbach's Alpha; likewise, the data collected were compared by the Microsoft Excel program and the statistical software Jamovi cloud 2. 3. 26; finally, it was concluded that the consequences of water pollution from the oil spill were very harmful to the marine ecosystem, the environment, the surrounding people and the economy.
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