Highly Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Technique for PV System Using Different Controller and Converter with Modular Multilevel Inverter


  • Pavithra C Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Partha Sarathy R Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Palanivelrajan M P Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Ladika S Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Prijith Nagaraj R K Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology




MPPT algorithm, FLC, M21, output boosting, PID controller, Septic converter, Pi controller, Luo converter, MATLAB, Simulink, PV system, renewable energy


In order to operate photovoltaic (PV) systems using maximum power point tracking (MPPT), three distinct combinations of controllers and converters are proposed in this research and compared. Using MATLAB/Simulink simulation, these strategies are assessed based on the output parameters of time, power, and current. The demand on power production has increased manifold in recent years and on the other hand, the conventional resources utilized for it will be vanished in near future. The requirement of PV based generation is getting increased.  The procedure of getting solar energy from a solar panel is common. With MPPT, here the output obtained must be the same quantity of energy even when the source of that energy is partially available. Climate change and other issues could be to blame for this inefficiency.  In this project three distinct converters and three distinct controllers have been compared. All three converters are linked to each controller individually, and measurements of current, voltage, and power are analysed. By which the result is obtained. After the comparison of nine outputs, the most powerful and efficient combination is identified. By doing this, the converters and controllers produce high D.C voltage. Direct voltage transmission to the MMI. A.C. voltage is created by converting D.C. voltage. Increase the MMI's output by doing this. The voltage generated by the MMI is sent to the grid for domestic usage. Even when the source is not readily available, the solar panel's voltage can still be used.


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How to Cite

C P, R PS, M P P, S L, R K PN. Highly Efficient Maximum Power Point Tracking Control Technique for PV System Using Different Controller and Converter with Modular Multilevel Inverter. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2024 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11. Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/ew/article/view/5216