Enhancing Single-Image Super-Resolution using Patch-Mosaic Data Augmentation on Lightweight Bimodal Network
single-image super-resolution, data augmentation, vision transformer, CNNAbstract
With the advancement of deep learning, single-image super-resolution (SISR) has made significant strides. However, most current SISR methods are challenging to employ in real-world applications because they are doubtlessly employed by substantial computational and memory costs caused by complex operations. Furthermore, an efficient dataset is a key factor for bettering model training. The hybrid models of CNN and Vision Transformer can be more efficient in the SISR task. Nevertheless, they require substantial or extremely high-quality datasets for training that could be unavailable from time to time. To tackle these issues, a solution combined by applying a Lightweight Bimodal Network (LBNet) and Patch-Mosaic data augmentation method which is the enhancement of CutMix and YOCO is proposed in this research. With patch-oriented Mosaic data augmentation, an efficient Symmetric CNN is utilized for local feature extraction and coarse image restoration. Plus, a Recursive Transformer aids in fully grasping the long-term dependence of images, enabling the global information to be fully used to refine texture details. Extensive experiments have shown that LBNet with the proposed data augmentation with zero-free additional parameters method outperforms the original LBNet and other state-of-the-art techniques in which image-level data augmentation is applied.
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