On the Security and Reliability Trade-off of the Satellite Terrestrial Networks with Fountain Codes and Friendly Jamming
Fountain Codes, Intercept Probability, Outage Probability, Satellite-Terrestrial CommunicationsAbstract
The performance of the satellite-terrestrial network with Fountain codes (FCs) is conducted in the present work. More precisely, the air-to-ground link is modeled according to the shadow-Rician distribution to capture the strong light-of-sight (LOS) path as well as the impact of the shadowing. As a result, we employ the directional beamforming at both the satellite and relay to mitigate such an ultra-long transmission distance. We investigate the trade-off between the reliability and security aspects. Particularly, we derive the outage probability (OP) and intercept probability (IP) in the closed-form expressions. To further facilitate the security of the considered networks, the friendly jamming scheme is deployed as well. Finally, simulation results based on the Monte-Carlo method are given to corroborate the exactness of the developed mathematical framework and to identify key parameters such as antenna gain, and transmit power that have a big impact on the considered networks.
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