Multi-greedy geographic packets forwarding using flow-based indicators


  • G. Oladeji-Atanda Botswana International University of Science and Technology image/svg+xml
  • D. Mpoeleng Botswana International University of Science and Technology image/svg+xml
  • F. J. Ogwu University of Nigeria image/svg+xml



mobile environments, wireless communication, routing protocols, network, greedy packet forwarding


The MANET packet routing method of geographic greedy forwarding involves the selection of distance reducing intermediate relays towards a destination. The efficacy of the greedy methods differs and varies; nevertheless, the algorithms are similar and process the same data at a forwarding node. Their commonalities potentially allow the online assignment of different methods for more efficient progress forwarding in heterogeneous MANET environments. We define a multimethod multi-greedypacket forwarding approach in this paper. Using the IPFIX packet flow measures, we demonstrate the multi-greedy scheme for the performance of repetitive packet routing tasks that permit exploration-exploitation application. The flows report reveal the optimal efficiency of each base greedy method in each flow which aggregates to the multi-greedy design. In comparison to the base methods, the case multi-greedy methods show considerable performance improvement in PDR, hop-count, and delay measures.


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How to Cite

G. Oladeji-Atanda, D. Mpoeleng, and F. J. Ogwu, “Multi-greedy geographic packets forwarding using flow-based indicators”, EAI Endorsed Trans Mob Com Appl, vol. 6, no. 18, p. e5, May 2021.