Analytical modeling of address allocation protocols in wireless ad hoc networks




address assignment protocols, mobile ad hoc networks, performance evaluation


Detailed descriptions of Internet Protocol Address Assignment (IPAA) and Mobile Ad Hoc Network Configuration (MANETconf) are presented and state diagrams for their behavior are constructed. Formulae for the expected latency and communication overhead of the IPAA protocol are derived, with the results being given as functions of the number of nodes in the network with message loss rate, contention window size, coverage ratio, and the counter threshold as parameters. Simulation is used to validate the analytical results and also to compare performance of the two protocols. The results show that the latency and communication overhead for MANETconf are significantly higher than the measures of the IPAA protocol. Results of extensive sensitivity analyses for the IPAA protocol are also presented.


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How to Cite

A. Radaideh and J. N. Daigle, “Analytical modeling of address allocation protocols in wireless ad hoc networks”, EAI Endorsed Trans Mob Com Appl, vol. 1, no. 1, p. e3, Sep. 2011.