Influence of Internet of things on human psychology (internet of thoughts) for education, healthcare, and businesses




Internet of things, Human psychology “internet of thoughts”, artificial intelligence, machine learning, big data, cloud computing, natural language processing


INTRODUCTION: The study investigated how technological innovations and Embedded Systems, processes, and Communication tools influence human psychology. The IoTs have succeeded to connect humans with things, and it is now preoccupied with understanding how humans react to these things by influencing our actions, reactions, and behavior.

OBJECTIVES: To identify items that IoTs use to influence human psychology in education, healthcare, and business and to find out how IoTs utilize AI, ML, Cloud computing, NLP, ICT tools, and big data technology to overpower human psychology.

METHODS: The methods Behavior-oriented drive and influential function method” and the qualitative-quantitative method were usedThe qualitative-quantitative method makes use of 3 research questions while behavior-oriented drive and influential function focus on statistical data.

RESULTS: The result indicates the least score of 12 out of 15 grades for all the measurements on a behavior-oriented drive and influential function and above 90% positive respondents for the qualitative-quantitative method.

CONCLUSION: The study concluded that the high dependency of humans on IoTs services is the reason for the IoTs influence on our thoughts, actions, and behavior.


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How to Cite

P. M. Mah, I. Skalna, E. Munyeshuri, and J. Akoko, “Influence of Internet of things on human psychology (internet of thoughts) for education, healthcare, and businesses”, EAI Endorsed Trans Mob Com Appl, vol. 7, no. 2, p. e1, Aug. 2022.