Collaborative Relay Radio Network Using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
RIS, OP, EC, Nakagami-m, GammaAbstract
In this paper, we have studied a model of a relay radio network system using Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface (RIS). Specifically, we used a relay network that uses RIS when there is an extra direct link from the Source (S) to the Destination (D). Next, an approximate closed-form expressions of the Outage Probability (OP) and Ergodic Capacity (EC) are considered. Based on the simulation results of OP and EC, the results show that our proposed system is more optimal than the system using supported RIS without direct link and the system without using RIS. In addition, changing the number of the RIS reflecting elements and the RIS’s location near (S) or (D) has a significant impact on the performance of the system. The analytical expression match the simulation results through the Monte Carlo simulation method. Furthermore, the simulation results of energy efficiency (EE) also show that when the target spectral efficiency (SE), Rth, is high (more than 5.45 b/s/Hz), the system using supported RIS with direct link will help reduce the transmit power and optimize the most energy compared to the other two systems.
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