Li-Fi Technology Based Long Range Free-Space Optics Data Transmit System Evaluation
Light Fidelity, Free Space Communication, Wireless Network, Data Transmission, Optical CommunicationAbstract
INTRODUCTION: The most flexible and reliable technological system is Wi-Fi, which is made possible by a wireless connection that transmits data using radio frequencies. Wi-Fi networks, however, encounter numerous issues related to power supply, availability, efficiency, and security as a result of the various access points. While relational waves describe the medical device, Wi-Fi radios produce radio waves that are very dangerous for patients. This document offers line-of-sight communication between the transmitter and receiver using LED technology. Li-Fi technology is a method that transmits audio data using LED light, which is faster and more efficient than Wi-Fi. Since it is practically ubiquitous, light can be used for communication as well. A cutting-edge technology called optical communication includes a subset called light fidelity. By sending out visible light, the Li-Fi device enables wireless intranet communication. This paper is an in-depth study and analysis of Light Fidelity (Li-Fi), a novel technology that transmits data at high speeds over a wide spectrum by using light as a medium of transmission. The research fields that are pertinent to Li-Fi networks are thoroughly analyzed and categorized in this paper.
OBJECTIVES: High speed data transmission, receive, share, broadcast through light in free space optical communication system by Li-Fi technology.
METHODS: We followed some methods and developed a unique method to develop this project. which is VLC, OOK, a Lambertian discharge mechanism, LOS, NLOS, or a CMOS optical receiver.
RESULTS: Successfully, we transmitted and received audio, video, and other data, which is very high-rated and near the 2 GB/s range.
CONCLUSION: Visible light communication may be a fast-evolving technique in the field of wireless technology. Li-Fi is a wireless data transfer system that is both fast and inexpensive. It can also be used in potentially hazardous situations, such as in nuclear power plants, without causing electromagnetic interference. We are considering adding more features to our project in the future to get better outcomes.
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