Use of wearable technologies in health promotion in Human Medicine students
Wearable technologies, wearables, Health promotion, Physical activity, Healthy habitsAbstract
INTRODUCTION: In the current era marked by rapid technological advances, the integration of wearable devices into everyday life has been a remarkable phenomenon. These devices, ranging from smart watches to physical activity monitors, have gained popularity and have become ubiquitous tools that track various aspects of health and wellness.
OBJECTIVE: To characterize the use of wearable technologies in health promotion in Human Medicine students.
METHODS: The research is characterized by its cross-sectional and quantitative nature, with a basic and descriptive non-experimental design. The study population consisted of 128 students of Human Medicine at a private university located in Arequipa, Peru. Data collection was carried out through the use of surveys and questionnaires.
RESULTS: Regarding the adoption and use of wearable technologies, 35.94% (46) reported a moderate level, 32.81% (42) indicated a high level, while 31.25% (40) indicated a low level. This finding suggests a balanced and non-extreme adoption of wearable technologies among the students examined in the context of health promotion.
CONCLUSIONS: We were able to determine a moderate level of adoption and use of wearable technologies among Human Medicine students to promote health and wellness. This result points to the relevance of these technologies in health-related activities, highlighting a particular emphasis on a moderate level of use.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Javier Eduardo Curo Yllaconza, Renee Amparo Valle Elescano, Tania Luz Vilchez Cuevas, Mirelly Velásquez Orellana, José Hugo Tezén Campos, Jaime Salazar Montenegro, Digmer Pablo Riquez Livia, Eleazar Fidel Peralta Loayza

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