Blockchain- Based Secure and Efficient Scheme for Medical Data


  • Manish Gupta Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology image/svg+xml
  • Rajendra Kumar Dwivedi Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology image/svg+xml



IoT, Data, Fog Computing, Hyperledger Fabric, Hash Value


Internet of Things (IoT) fog nodes are distributed near end-user devices to mitigate the impacts of low delay, position awareness, and spatial spread, which aren't permitted by numerous IoT apps. Fog computing (FC) also speeds up reaction times by decreasing the quantity of data sent to the cloud. Despite these advantages, FC still has a lot of work to do to fulfill security and privacy standards. The constraints of the FC resources are the cause of these difficulties. In reality, FC could raise fresh concerns about privacy and security. Although the Fog security and privacy problems have been covered in several articles recently, most of these studies just touched the surface of these difficulties. This paper provides a unique solution for the authentication of data by using hyperledger fabric. The fog layer store data transferred by the IoT layer and calculate the hash value. These hash values are now stored in hyperledger fabric for authentication purposes. The proposed model results compared with lewako’s and Fan’s scheme and found that the proposed model has 25.00 % less encryption time, 09.3 % less decryption time, 17.48 % less storage overhead, and 23.38 % less computation cost as compared to Fan’s scheme.


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How to Cite

Gupta M, Dwivedi RK. Blockchain- Based Secure and Efficient Scheme for Medical Data . EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2023 Jun. 28 [cited 2024 Oct. 23];10(5). Available from: