JWTAMH: JSON Web Tokens Based Authentication Mechanism for HADOOP.


  • Manish Gupta Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology
  • Anish Gupta Chandigarh Engineering College
  • Britto Raj S. Rajarajeswari College of Engineering
  • Annu Sharma RRASE College of Engineering




Hadoop, Token-based Authentication, Kerberos, JWT, Security, Access Control


The Hadoop platform has become a widely adopted distributed computing platform for handling large-scale data processing tasks. However, the security of the Hadoop platform has become a major concern due to the increased risk of cyber-attacks. To address this concern, various security mechanisms have been proposed for the Hadoop platform, including authentication and access control. This research paper proposes a token-based authentication mechanism to enhance the security of the Hadoop platform. The proposed mechanism utilizes a combination of Kerberos and JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure communication between Hadoop components. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the Single point of failure, Guessing attack, Replay Attack, Brute force attack, and Dictionary attack. The proposed model has better performance in terms of average processing time and accuracy of authentication than other models.


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How to Cite

Gupta M, Gupta A, Raj S. B, Sharma A. JWTAMH: JSON Web Tokens Based Authentication Mechanism for HADOOP. . EAI Endorsed Scal Inf Syst [Internet]. 2024 Jul. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];12(1). Available from: https://publications.eai.eu/index.php/sis/article/view/5429