Comparison of Solar P&O and FLC-based MPPT Controllers & Analysis under Dynamic Conditions


  • C Pavithra Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Vidhyareni S Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Vijayadharshini M Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Shree Akshaya K B Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology
  • Varsha N Sri Krishna College of Engineering and Technology



Solar PV, MPPT, P&O, FLC, Simulink


Increase in electricity generation is caused due to population increase, which leads to the depletion of fossil fuels, and increased pollution. This leads to focusing on alternate renewable energy, mainly solar photovoltaic generation, due to the abundant availability. The maximum power generated by a PV module depends on the temperature and irradiance because the P-V and V-I natures are non-linear. Various DC-DC boost converters are used along with the MPPT techniques because the conversion efficiency of the PV system is low [1][2]. In this paper, comparative analysis between Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Fuzzy Logic-based Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) systems along with modified SEPIC are done using MATLAB/ SIMULINK software. Simulations are done at different irradiations to observe its tracking speed towards MPP. From the obtained output (simulation), it is observed that the Fuzzy Logic Converter (FLC)-based MPPT controllers have good dynamic performance, reduced oscillation, high tracking speed, maximum power, etc...[3].


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How to Cite

Pavithra C, S V, M V, K B SA, N V. Comparison of Solar P&O and FLC-based MPPT Controllers & Analysis under Dynamic Conditions. EAI Endorsed Trans Energy Web [Internet]. 2024 Jan. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];11. Available from: